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Creating Your Life Vision and Mission Statements

Vision and mission statements are complementary to each other. A vision statement describes your own vision of what an ideal experience in each of your life areas would be like. They tend to focus on the ideal outcome you would like to see looking forward five to ten years.

     A mission statement describes what you want to focus on, what you want to accomplish, and who you want to become in a particular area of your life over the next few years. It is a way to focus your energy, actions, behaviors, and decisions towards what is most important to you.

    You should keep these statements, simple, clear, and brief and easy to memorize. Make sure they are realistic, reflecting your commitment and positive expectations for your future. Create statements that are inspirational, uplifting, emotional, and energizing.

    While your vision statement should pertain to the long-term and how you want things to ideally turn out and remain generally constant, the mission statement focuses on actions, behaviors, and habits you need to take and develop in specific areas of your life.

Seek the Spirit's Guidance 


    These statements should be a continuation of the Holy Spirit’s influence in your life, regardless of changes you have to make along the journey.     

“Which should be an excellent reminder that when God tells you to do something, you’d better do it; He always has a reason.” Charles R. Swindoll

Revisit your Vision Statement and Mission Statement and make sure you are comfortable with how well they reflect who you are, your values, values and what you want to happen in your future. If you need to make changes, do it.

     Once you finalize your vision and mission statements, it’s time to figure out goals you want to reach to achieve in the various areas of your life that will allow you to fulfill your mission and eventually your vision. List your milestones, smaller goals within your larger goal. 

     There are plenty of resources on the internet to help you create goals and objectives. It’s useful to take an inventory of how you need to prepare to achieve of your goals. Consider the factors that may keep you from accomplishing your goals and develop a plan to overcome them.


Listen to God's Words

     “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it, day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” (Josh. 1:8)


   “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you.” (John 14:26)

     “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Rom. 12:2)


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